Intuitive Dating

Discover how to attract your ideal partner using the law of attraction, your Intention and Intuition


A seven-week online course with Daniel Browne for a limited time only.

Dating in the internet age can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. With our busy lives and the endless choices, dating can become a second job, and sometimes no matter how many dates you go on it seems that you just can’t find the one.

Modern dating techniques are based on rules and strategies for successful playing the game. They are based on the premise that there is something wrong with you and you need to gain some new skills in order to date. This may be the case but ultimately we want to have a partner that likes us for who we are. Your ideal partner won’t expect you to be a slick dating professional they will want you as you are.

This is the intuitive dating approach; cutting through the strategies, and the game playing to simply attracting your ideal match by using the law of attraction and your natural intuition.

When you are attuned to the law of attraction dating becomes easier. Many synchronous events start to happen and you find great dates without even trying. Dating is less of a chore and becomes fun and effortless. We’ve all been in that zone where we are attracting without trying, well this course is about that; tapping into the Zone of Attraction so that you start to draw your ideal partner to you. You then use your intuition to help make the right dating decisions, which makes sorting through online profiles easier. Whether you choose online dating or offline dating, you will be able to use the intuitive tools in this course to help you speed up the process.

Your Instructor

Daniel Browne
Daniel Browne

Daniel is a best-selling author, business, and intuitive life coach. A former investment banker and a practicing strategy consultant. Daniel works with leaders and entrepreneurs to help them accomplish more in life with freedom and ease.

Daniel helps his clients access their intuition and clear away the blocks that stop them from achieving further levels of success in business, relationships, and leadership.

Daniel is the author of the WHSmith best-selling book The Energy Equation: how to be a top performer without burning yourself out and contributing author of the book series Fit for Purpose Leadership.

I developed this course from my own experience of manifesting dates. I found, that I could meet the kind of partner I wanted within a few weeks of stating what I wanted. I used vision boards, declarations, spreadsheets, and other tools and they all worked! Then, there were times, when I would go on countless dates and not meet anyone worthwhile. Over time, I learned how to use my intuition to cut through the many and select the few candidates–this helped me find my current relationship.

This was not limited to just me. When I used this approach with my clients, something would shift with them and within a few days, they were attracting more compatible dates.

I was so excited that this luck wasn’t just limited to me, so I decided to teach this.

Actually, it was more of an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone. I’m a business coach and intuitive life coach and didn’t really fancy seeing myself as a dating coach, but then I trusted my intuition (of course) guidance despite the protestations of my mind. And that’s how intuitive dating was born.

What makes this course unique are the belief clearings. I use this to clear subconscious beliefs and energies that stop you from attracting what you want. I use the Theta Healing Technique, Ancestral Clearing, and heart meditations to clear away the subconscious patterns that keep you getting what you want.

What you will learn on this course:

  1. How to use your natural intuition to navigate the world of online & offline dating
  2. How to get really clear on what you want
  3. How to stop attracting the kind of dates that you don’t want
  4. How to get into the zone of attraction where what you are seeking is also seeking you
  5. How to free yourself from the blocks, beliefs, past hurts and disappointments that hold you back from attracting what you desire.

Cut through the fluff, save yourself time and ultimately find the partner that you are seeking.

"I met someone in the 5th week!"

I loved this course ! The gift of listening to, and trusting my intuition was fantastic. Life is short and I am so glad I took the leap in taking the course … and the fun times that I have had since .

I shifted out of my relationship patterns that had me attract the wrong guys. In the 5th week of the course I met a wonderful guy and we have been dating ever since”

- Lizzie M, Entrepreneur

"Dating used to feel like a burden, now it's a possibility"

"I resisted dating for many years as I had a lot going on internally. I spent my energies in my business instead. over the 7 weeks of the course I started to step up. I am now a man who is dating more than I ever have in my life.

Now I’m noticing a spark with women. Women are finding me attractive which hadn’t happened before. I’m feeling a lot more comfortable with women. Every time I go out I make sure I have 1 or 2 conversations."

- Vineet Bhatia, Founder, Emotional Acceptance

Course Curriculum

  Introduction to Intuitive Dating
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1 – Getting clear on what you want
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 – Clearing session 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 – Raising your Vibration
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 – Intuitive tools to navigate the world of dating
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 – Intuition and Living in the Zone of attraction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 – Awareness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Next Step
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts on Sunday 31st March – 8pm – GMT UK - 3pm EST
What is it?
The Intuitive Dating is a 6-week programme taught online via zoom. Each week we will teach you the steps to getting into the zone of attraction.
Who is it aimed at?
Men and women who want to bring compatible matches into their life.
How Does It Work?
Each of these live webinars lasts around 90 minutes. Daniel will teach you the powerful tools for harnessing the power of intention and using for tuning into your intuition. These calls are also interactive and experiential, so you will have ample time for practising techniques and to get coaching.
What if I miss a call?
The calls are recorded, and after each webinar you’ll be sent a link to the latest recording.
Anything else?
There will be a private Facebook group where you can share experiences and ask questions from Daniel. The course is taught over 6 weeks with 6 x 90 min sessions, Q&A, energy clearing and coaching. Places are limited.
Did I answer your questions?
If you have any more questions feel free to contact me by email is [email protected]